Friday, July 20, 2012

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Thursday, April 5, 2012

A Day of Service

Come join friends and family of Emmett Till Math &Science Academy, the University of Chicago, and Architreasures for a day of Service. Help us revive our Learning garden and celebrate the newly added Arbor / entrance way to the garden.

When: Saturday, May 12th, 2012
10am - 1pm

Where: Till Learning Garden
6612 S. Champlain
Chicago, IL 60637

What: A Day of Service  We need YOUR help!
Clean-up, tilling soil, weeding and celebration
Please dress in clothing you don’t mind getting dirty

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Next Steps

Our action plan for the future is to add a walkway, seating, a mural, mosaic tiling, trees, and a memorial to Emmett Till. There will be a day of service and celebration on May 12, 2012. 

It is also a goal to find partnerships to improve the quality of the garden. In the future, we hope to secure funding for professional development seminars and training sessions to help teachers incorporate the school garden (i.e. an outdoor classroom) into their curriculum.